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Monday 12 October 2009

Insurers Against Healthcare Reform

Destroying private business through federal tax-funded competition?

Sounds good to me! While we're at it, why don't we give the government a monopoly on carrying first-class mail? In fact, let's give our responsible federal government the job of helping the nation's poor (or nations', if you prefer) and responding to natural disasters! Oh! And let's hand over our children to our caring government's tutelage.

OH WAIT, we already do all that.
1) Stamps are too expensive,
2) our welfare programs subsidize promiscuity and the birth of bastard children (oh, but just think if we had free abortions! Problem solved!--a la Margaret "Racist" Sanger),
3) FEMA did an expensive, crappy job with Katrina (while local and state Churches and ministries responded immediately, albeit invisibly--thanks, CNN),
4) and our kids are stupid.

The Federal government is a giant king Midas that drowns the quality and rockets the cost of anything it touches (and who, if it was in a Dickens novel, would be in debtors prison right now). Way to go, Feddy.


EDIT: Apparently Insurers' attacks made the White House grumpy. A quote from the article:

"This is a self-serving analysis from the insurance industry, one of the major opponents of health insurance reform," [Linda Douglass, spokeswoman with the Office of Health Reform] said. "It comes on the eve of a vote that will reduce the industry's profits. It is hard to take it seriously."

Oh, please. Seriously? The insurance companies are self-serving and the Federal government isn't? Our immaculate federal government never acts in its own interests? Our Federal government is an obese baby with grubby hands. The Federal government ALWAYS acts in its own interests. Why do you think we have a system (however imperfect) of checks and balances? (Lately, it's looking more like cheques, and negative balances. Boing--boing--boing).

Bah. There's a baby that needs a bath, a new diaper, and a diet.

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