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Thursday 22 October 2009

Dear God, Save Us

If Obama signs the 'hate crimes bill,' it will be time to begin looking to change my nationality.

A 'hate crime' is a thought crime, and it's a crime against the American people to legislate thoughts.

The predictions are, of course, that because 'hate crimes' are so ill defined, that as soon as someone can claim emotional and psychological distress over something someone has said out of 'hate'--bingo. Hate crime.

Of course, all advocates claim that the bill will be applied equally to all. Right, so if I ever get beat up for being a Christian, everyone will jump to my rescue and claim that I was a victim of hate? No, I'll tell you what will happen. I'll be accused of provoking the attack by being hateful myself. If I get beaten up for witnessing to someone, I'll be accused of hate speech against other religions, hate speech against 'alternative lifestyles,' and general bigotry.

It doesn't matter which way it goes. Christians lose. And they call this progress. Pft.

It's bloody favoritism, that's what it is.

Just watch, I wouldn't be surprised if this post earns me some 'hate speech', just like this post did.



  1. You have to admit that being a Christian in America, and especially in the south, is still ridiculously easy. Even if you do get beat up for being a Christian, it would be considered assault and punishable by law. Many of our brothers and sisters across the world are violently and ruthlessly persecuted for the faith and allegiance to Christ alone. We could have it so much worse.

  2. Argumentative fallacies anyone? Slippery slope, hyperbole, hasty generalization, begging the claim, ad populum, moral equivalance, etc.......

    The "hate" your post should garner should be from any college english professor. Although, you may have a future on Faux News one day.

  3. Amber, that is very true. And the fact that things can get worse should encourage us to be that much more active preserving our freedoms.


    Dear Anonymous,

    Since you've been kind enough to inform me of my logical fallacies (and I mean that without any sarcasm), would you do me the tremendous favor of bringing the offending passages to light? I'd hate to keep on making the same mistakes.

