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Wednesday 30 September 2009

Boxwood Lodge -- A Short Rhyme

Because I haven't time to write something thoughtful, here is a short rhyme about a mountain cabin in NC in which my family and I spent a night back in July. This was written the evening after (in a different and better cabin).

Boxwood Lodge – Friday, July 17, 2009

Boxwood lodge was old and musty;

The beds were sandy and were dusty.

The rooms were dark,

Lamps broken, hark!

The comforters were crusty.

We spent the night in dirty rooms

Breathing dusty air.

The atmosphere was full of gloom;

Graffiti’d walls, despair!

We woke next morn’-- eyes blurry,

As we packed cars in a flurry--

Stuffed trunk to hood

As fast as we could--

And left that dump in a hurry.

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