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Saturday 27 June 2009

Writing Books, Reading Books

Today I finally discovered how my novel begins. So I began it. I'll probably share the first chapter with you when I finish it, or if it's too long, share a portion of it. I hope to have my novel completely done by next summer. It'll be a challenge, but this story is extremely important to me and I hope that it will be important to other people.

In other news, I'm reading a ton of books. Surprise! Here's a list of what I'm currently reading.

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

A History of Philosophy V. 2: Medieval Philosophy - Frederick Copleston

The Historical Reliability of the Gospels - Craig L. Blomberg

The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins

The Book of Mormon - Joseph Smith

El Leon, la Bruja, y el Ropero - C. S. Lewis (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in Spanish)

Reading so many books at a time definitely has a downside: it takes longer to finish any one book. But I like being able to switch between so many stories and topics. It keeps things from getting boring and helps me to stay motivated. I can only read so many pages of medieval philosophy before I start to fall asleep. KnowwhatImean?

What are you reading this summer?


  1. I have a book list on my blog...I highly recommend Schiller once you're done with medieval philosophy.

  2. Great! Thanks for the recommendation, Heidi!
