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Tuesday, 4 August 2009

A Plague, a Book Worm, and a Books

A Plague:
China reported its third death from pneumonic plague, which is related to bubonic plague.

A Book Worm:
That's me. I'm reading far too many books. I have a stack of books a foot and a half high that I need to read (or start reading) before school starts back.

A Books:
That's right. Plural. I'm writing one right now and researching for another. Lord, help me. I'm going to die.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry. You're not the only one reading far too many books. I have a few pending and I've just started on a new one. I hate this feeling of helplessness when I'm not able to read as fast or write more, and when I do, I end up writing something than what I originally planned on writing.

    I am currently trying to put together a (hopefully) coherent blog post on the existence of God using the 5 ways of Thomas Aquinas, the response of God to Job in the Book of Job and the evidence of absence (look for it in Wikipedia)


    I echo your prayer.
