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Tuesday 21 July 2009

I Make Shakespeare Weep

I've recently begun writing poetry in earnest again. My poems have never been structured, so I'm forcing myself to write sonnets and very strict forms in an attempt to improve. At any rate, it's getting frustrating because every poem feels incredibly forced.

But frustration can also be productive:

I bear the name 'poet' with shame
I'm not worthy to go by that name
Every rhyme is a crime
And I ought to get time
'Cause my poems are stupid and lame.

Peace, poesy, and prose.


  1. Very cute poem. It made me smile. If your attainment of something is easy then it's value is probably low. If it is something worth having,something of high value, then it will cost you sweat, frustration, work, and growth.

  2. there's a reason it feels forced. it is. you and i and people who write right now don't think in those structures anymore. why force yourself to? it's not going to add quality to your writing if it isn't compatible with your thinking. yeah?
