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Monday, 15 July 2013

News to Know: Why is Joshua Chellew less important than Trayvon Martin?

Why is Joshua Chellew less important than Trayvon Martin?
Mableton teens linked to gang are accused in beating death

Racism in any form or on any side is unequivocally wrong––and that includes ignoring stories which are uncomfortable and difficult to spin.

The fact that nobody wants to sell this story as an incident of race-based violence makes me suspicious. Perhaps it's only "racist" depending on who is attacking who. Or perhaps there's less racism than we're lead to believe.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think that because Black People have been discriminated against and treated unfairly in the not too distant past, it is like a sore that hasn't healed. It is easy to pick the scab off and make it hurt and bleed again. In the same way, it is easier for the media to get emotional outcry from the audience (Lots of viewers = success) by picking at a known sore than it is to pick at something that didn't have a previous injury. Both may bleed equally and be injured equally but the one with the previous sore may scream sooner and louder because of the anticipation of hurt. I think that the media can sensationalize one story easier. It is tragic.
