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Thursday, 11 February 2010

News to Know: Education crime, global bank taxes, and trashy teachers

Here are some news stories you should know about:

Political asylum granted to a German family fleeing persecution for their education choices.

A few days ago, somebody told me that if a world state appears, it'll be run by and preceded by an international bank. As everyone knows, for politicians, money is only ever a means to an end: power.

Teacher's unions are good, right? Yes! They allow teachers who impregnate their 16 year old students to continue collecting their salaries, even though they're banned from teaching. What a deal!--sleep with a 16 year old student and retire on your untouchable salary! With benefits like that, I'm surprised there aren't more teachers...

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Political Agenda in the Classroom? POW! Shot down.

The fact that folks were outraged over THIS proves there's some hope left. Unsurprisingly, Perry High School is a public school, although this wasn't stated in the article.


EDIT: Did I say something about hope? I take that back. Kids need to learn more history, not less. And not just American history but Western history. Make those kids read Livy for Pete's sake. What's wrong with the world? Our education.

Ain't no education like a classical education, foo'.